How to Properly Maintain Your Wire Fence

Whether you’re enclosing sprawling vines, delicate flowers or towering vegetables, wire fence provides a sturdy and visually appealing barrier for all your plants. With the right amount of regular care and maintenance, you can extend your wire fence’s lifespan and ensure it serves your farm well for years to come.

In addition to serving as a physical barrier, a wire fence can deter predators and wildlife. In rural areas, livestock such as cattle can be vulnerable to wild dogs and coyotes who are eager to prey on them. By erecting a wire fence around a pasture, farmers can provide their animals with protection and keep them away from public roads that could result in accidents.

Choosing the Right Wire Fence: A Comprehensive Guide

It’s important to choose the right wire height and gauge for your property’s specific needs. To do this, determine the purpose of your fence: are you looking to deter trespassers or intruders, keep livestock contained or mark boundaries? Determining your goals will help you decide the best wire type, height and gauge for your fence.

It is also important to properly ground your fence. The electrical pulse from the energizer only feels painful to your animals when it makes contact with an insulated surface such as soil or grass, so it is critical that all wires have proper grounding. Insufficient grounding can reduce the voltage of your wire fence and prevent it from being effective as a pain barrier. To prevent this, you should regularly check your grounding system and reposition or replace any insulators that may need to be replaced.